Macodes petola - GLASS BOX TROPICALS

Species: Macodes petola Common name(s): Jewel Orchid, Lightning Leaves Native to: Indonesia Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing Water preferences: Medium to high moisture Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial General Information and Care: Macodes petola is another one of the many wonderful Jewel Orchids that Glass Box Tropicals offers. …

Macodes Petola Lindl | Tanaman hias bunga dan buah-buahan

Macodes Petola Lindl. Kecantikan tanaman ini terlukis dalam satu legenda rakyat di suatu daerah di Indonesia. Diceritakan, bunga ki aksara adalah penjelmaan dari selendang seorang dewi yang terjatuh karena dikejar-kejar oleh seorang pemuda di tengah hutan. Sang dewi sempat menghilang tapi selendangnya tersangkut ranting dan menjelma daun petola ...

Macodes Petola Plant Care

The application of an orchid fertilizer is another alternative. Macodes petola thrives in either a balanced or nitrogen-rich environment. It is advised that you apply a highly diluted solution once a week. The solution must be diluted to 1/4-1/8 of its original strength, or …

Macodes Petola Orchid | Toiib

The name Macodes comes from the Greek language, so, "macos" means "stretch, length", which is associated with a lip that has an elongated shape. Such a genus as Macodes unites about 7 species that can be found in the tropical rainforests of Oceania, as well as Southeast Asia. The most popular of the species is macodes petola.

Our BEST Care Guide for Macodes Petola (Jewel Orchids)

Origins. Similarly to the Ludisia discolor, this species originates from tropical Asia, growing largely as a rhizomatous Orchid in the ground. Macodes petola is now considered 'Vulnerable' according to CITES due to incompetent farming for traditional herbal medicine in Borneo. The species was initially penned as Neottia petola by Carl Ludwig Blume in 1825, before being reclassified in …

Orchid Jewel Care (macodes Petola) - Organic Pereglin

Fertiliser les macodes petole. pétole de Macodes Il n'est pas très rapide à pousser et n'a pas besoin de beaucoup d'engrais, mais il n'a pas besoin d'un soutien constant pendant la saison chaude. Un engrais soluble dans l'eau de qualité avec un rapport assez équilibré d'environ 7 …

Macodes Petola, Black Jewel Orchid | Terrarium Plant – Glass Aqua

Macodes Petola, more commonly known as the Jewel Orchid, is a very attractive plant that is well-suited for terrariums and other enclosed planted setups. This unique plant features bright golden venation that resembles lightning running across the surface of its leaves. It is one of the few species that is prized for its foliage in comparison to its flowers. This terrarium plant …

Macodes petola: How to Grow the Lightning Jewel Orchid

Macodes petola really thrives in hot and humid environments, so as you can imagine – terrariums are an orchids best friend. That being said, they can be grown in conditions as long as you live in a suitably humid climate (e.g. it's typically 50%+ here in the UK) or if you use a pebble tray / run a humidifier nearby. ...

Macodes Petola (Jewel Orchid) - Everything You Need to Know

Macodes petola is unarguably a stunning plant. It is a variety of jewel orchid indigenous to Malaysia, New Guinea, Vanuatu, Sumatra, and the Philippines. Jewel Orchid typically refers to any orchid grown for its beautiful leaves in preference over its flowers. It is considered endangered owing to over-collection by horticultural collectors, and ...

Culture of Macodes - Diamonds of the Jewel Orchids

Cultural Guidelines for the Macodes Jewel Orchids. Macodes sanderiana is a warm growing terrestrial from Papua New Guinea from 1000 to 2000 ft (400 to 800 m) growing in leaf-litter on rocks with almost oval leaves that begin like Mac. petola but as they mature take on orange tones and gradually the squares of the geometric pattern turn black with lime green veins at the leaf …

Macodes Petola – My Blog - jampangolstore

MACODES PETOLA (ANGGREK PERMATA) Anggrek ini tidak seperti anggrek-anggrek lain yang dinikmati bunganya, tapi indah pada bagian daunnya. Daunnya memiliki urat berwarna emas/perak yang berkilau dan permukaan yang menyerupai beludru. terdapat 3 jenis tanaman terunik dan langka.

Macodes petola - New World Orchids

Macodes petola. $ 24.99. Macodes petola is a jewel orchid native to Indonesia. Although the plants do bloom, they are grown primarily for their amazing foliage. Pictures do not do these plants justice, as the white veins shimmer as if they lit by neon when you see them in person. As with other jewel orchids, Macodes petola is a terrestrial orchid.

Trend 26+ Tanaman Anggrek Urat Emas

Trend 26+ Tanaman Anggrek Urat Emas - Selain dikenal karena bentuk dan baunya yang disukai, tanaman juga ternyata memiliki filosopi tertentu yang dipercaya bagi banyak orang di berbagai belahan dunia. tanaman merupakan bagian dari sebuah tanaman yang secara umum mencerminkan suatu keindahan baik itu berupa warna, rupa maupun …

Macodes Petola (Jewel Orchid), Dense Lighting Bolt Patten

Macodes petola is a rare yet famous orchid species. It likes warm and humid climate, and therefore its blooming season starts from spring to fall. When blooming, it has reddish-bronze flowers with a white lip. What truly makes Macodes petola stand out is its special patterns on the leaves rather than the flowers.

Macodes petola - BEGONIASYMAS

Macodes petola est une orchidée terrestre originaire de Thaïlande. Connue sous le nom de "Jewel Orchid", elle a de petites feuilles ovales brun-vert avec une nervure marquée qui brille comme des paillettes et a une texture veloutée. Ses fleurs sont très petites, d'environ 1 cm de long et brun rougeâtre. C'est une espèce qui nécessite une température et une humidité …

Macodes petola - Wikimedia Commons

Macodes petola. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Vernacular names [ edit wikidata 'Macodes petola'] eesti: Malai briljantkäpp. APG IV Classification : Domain : Eukaryota • (unranked) : Archaeplastida • Regnum : Plantae • Cladus : angiosperms • Cladus : monocots • Ordo : Asparagales • Familia : Orchidaceae ...